hmmm.....a few days no cum in le hehe miz my computer wor cant log in at all coz i busy pei dear dear onli 2day restin ar coz i wana watch my tv hehe.....dunno y now almost everi day c dear bt im nt sick at all nt like last time den yest went to watch a movie hehe dear juz grant my wish wor would u ma u really mean it ma so happy wor really wish 2 haf our small family haha bt i think tat wil b yrs later ba i nw learnin how to be a mother liao le haha nw muz start learnin le if nt next time gt baby den jia lat le haha well i think too far le im still young n i already start to think of hafin a baby all tis mad sia haha think im crazy oso hehe really feel so fortunate to haf him as my dear wor hehe thanks god i finally find a gd guy tat i can rely on to de.......dear i believe u bt there are things tat i scare wil happen wor i scare so much wor haiz workin at loyang there gt 1 lady looks like 20+ wor bt actually she already married liao sia gt 2 yrs old daughter meet her daughter b4 so cute sia bcoz keep on heard wat she say i den keep on tellin dear abt baby thing hehe~~~hope we can haf twins in the future hor dear hehe~~~~tml is our 1 mth anni le will continue our relation on n on if can hehe~~~~~muackz hug dear