my aunt juz cum back frm australia on monday night, n my cousin of coz, she still so adorable n so small like a bolster like tat, so cute hor haha.....dunno y, it seems so long i like seen my dear, although we just met on my bday 4 celebration, bt it seems so long 2 mi, or izzit bcoz my aunt juz cum back n i goin 2 spend ard 1 wk wif them, as they cum back n stay only 4 10 days, well 2day abit nt feelin well leh, i dunno can make it 2 meet my dear ma, if nt got to wait til fri le, thurs is my dental appointment, finally can go dental appointment le, hmmm im waitin 2 ask the doc things wor, haiz so sian sia, everi day wake up do nthing, haiz i oso dunno wat m i doin, sucks man life is simply so sian haiz....